Hey everybody, I have been entered into a contest and would love to have your vote! Vote for my name: tins, swirls, and twirls!! Thank you...Please go now!
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
No Pictures Post
Today Ryan is putting up the Christmas tree for the family. I feel sad for him because he broke his headphones while in the process of making the tree stand straight. He won't throw them away because they have sentimental value and it made me giggle(not in a mean way, but because he looked EXTREMELY sad). Guess what he put on his Christmas list...headphones. I believe that he is putting the lights on the tree. He keeps running in and out of the room. He bought new songs on I-tunes today (Weezer) and he has been listening non-stop. Oh and a really great thing he did today, was run to meet me at the car when I got home from work.
Guess what!? You are reading the blog of a seminary couple...meaning, Ryan and I are teaching EARLY MORNING seminary this week. We are the substitutes...guess what we do before we leave for seminary? We kneel and pray together (just like you did before you left your house for the day as a missionary with your companion). The only difference is I get to give him a big, fat smooch when the prayer is over. I NEVER gave my companions big, fat smooches...just tiny ones on the cheek. We are teaching for the Lake Ridge 2nd ward and they start at 6am. It has really been fun. Ryan looks really cute teaching. Today I got to hold his hand during the movie we showed about the Atonement. I love teaching with my husband...especially today as we talked on the Atonement. I really love hearing his testimony and seeing his eyes light up as he teaches because he feels that what he is saying is so true. I appreciate that about a testimony. It is something you feel and not anything that anybody forces on you. It's a personal thing that enlightens your view on this wonderful life we have and the Eternal Plan of our Heavenly Father. I am so grateful that I will live with Ryan forever. I am always going to smooch him after prayers...
P.S. TLC has a billion shows about little people. I do not mind...I watch the shows sometimes...but how many shows do we need to see about little people? When will there be a show about big people? I mean bigger and taller than you and me put together! That is REALLY tall, kinds of big people.
Guess what!? You are reading the blog of a seminary couple...meaning, Ryan and I are teaching EARLY MORNING seminary this week. We are the substitutes...guess what we do before we leave for seminary? We kneel and pray together (just like you did before you left your house for the day as a missionary with your companion). The only difference is I get to give him a big, fat smooch when the prayer is over. I NEVER gave my companions big, fat smooches...just tiny ones on the cheek. We are teaching for the Lake Ridge 2nd ward and they start at 6am. It has really been fun. Ryan looks really cute teaching. Today I got to hold his hand during the movie we showed about the Atonement. I love teaching with my husband...especially today as we talked on the Atonement. I really love hearing his testimony and seeing his eyes light up as he teaches because he feels that what he is saying is so true. I appreciate that about a testimony. It is something you feel and not anything that anybody forces on you. It's a personal thing that enlightens your view on this wonderful life we have and the Eternal Plan of our Heavenly Father. I am so grateful that I will live with Ryan forever. I am always going to smooch him after prayers...
P.S. TLC has a billion shows about little people. I do not mind...I watch the shows sometimes...but how many shows do we need to see about little people? When will there be a show about big people? I mean bigger and taller than you and me put together! That is REALLY tall, kinds of big people.
Monday, November 16, 2009
Alone..In a cabin...It was Friday the 13...It was fun.
In celebration of Dara's new job and as an early 1 year anniversary trip we drove to Heathsville, VA to stay for the weekend at our Uncle Paul's cabin along the Rappahannock River. When Dara and I make plans we are not easily swayed by a weather report to stay home. We ignored the stormy weather and Thursday morning made our way south. We arrived in the afternoon and spent all day Friday, and Saturday morning there. We spent time reading (Dara got hooked on the Twilight series), playing card games and watching movies. I have to say that when we arrived we were a bit discouraged. Before us on the muddy dirt road to the secluded cabin was a tree that had fallen over. The weather was still rather miserable and although it wasn't a downpour, it was still raining. We parked our car at a neighbors home and climbed over the tree carrying a suitcase and a couple of bags with food for the weekend. It suddenly dawned on us about then that it was the weekend of Friday the 13. From where we parked it was about a quarter of a mile to the cabin. We were hoping that we wouldn't run into anyone wearing a hockey mask. No one would've heard scream had it turned out like a scary movie. Fortunately for us we felt rather safe and at home. It was even a little romantic. It was nice to get away from home for a little bit and enjoy being just us. The road block made our trip more adventurous than we planned on but I got to show off some muscle and carry our bags. Dara was impressed. It was a great weekend.
I promised Dara that I wouldn't drop the bag.
Saturday, November 7, 2009
I just completed the last day of my internship this past Friday November 06, 2009. I had such a great time working with such great people and learning the hands-on of my field, Exercise and Wellness Management. I mailed the forms back to BYU that same day and I have completed all requirements to graduate this upcoming December...oh it feels great to have accomplished such a huge task! I was an intern at the Prince William Hospital Fitness Center.
Jenn, Justin, Me, Tanaya, and Lauren...the PWH Fitness Center Staff...that's how we do!

Robin, from the Wellness Center, and me.
Lisa, from the Wellness Center, and me.
Jenn, Justin, Me, Tanaya, and Lauren...the PWH Fitness Center Staff...that's how we do!
Robin, from the Wellness Center, and me.
Lisa, from the Wellness Center, and me.
The light within the tunnel...
All too often the tunnel of life narrows in on you and you feel as though there is no light and no way out! Ryan and I have been blessed to find a full-time job opportunity for me...this is truly a light at the end of the tunnel! I have been offered a job at an Oral Surgery Center in Annandale, Va doing Scheduling for the Oral Surgeons. It is a full-time, benefits, good pay job opportunity and I start November 16, 2009. We are able to see the light much brighter now. I found out that I received the job November 02, 2009 and let's just say, I want to call Ryan every day and tell him I received a full-time job after what I came home to that evening:)...

The plop of ketchup on the meat is in the shape of a heart!

Soft music was playing from the computer and there were rose petals everywhere

Oh how I love him!
The plop of ketchup on the meat is in the shape of a heart!
Soft music was playing from the computer and there were rose petals everywhere
Oh how I love him!
South Carolina
This last weekend, we had the opportunity to go down with my mom to Goose Creek, South Carolina to visit the Elison's. It was so much fun seeing my nieces, spending time with Dorothy (my sister), Trevor, and the other Elison's (Trevor's parents). It was a special weekend in which we were visiting for Scarlett's blessing day, November 01, 2009. It is great living closer to Dorothy and her family. Aaron and Jen even came down to visit for one night. We sure had a great time.
Ryan feel asleep on the way...

"What?" oooohhhh nooooo cute Chloe

Chloe was a cow...padded butt and stomach...tooooo cute (moo)

Grandma Nas and Scarlett the Cheetah

Fo'Real, Dewey chose these classes out of the winnings for the Bean Bag toss...too cool!

The cute baby to be blessed, Scarlett Rose in a beautiful dress that Grandma Elison made

The family picture after the blessing!
Ryan feel asleep on the way...
"What?" oooohhhh nooooo cute Chloe
Chloe was a cow...padded butt and stomach...tooooo cute (moo)
Grandma Nas and Scarlett the Cheetah
Fo'Real, Dewey chose these classes out of the winnings for the Bean Bag toss...too cool!
The cute baby to be blessed, Scarlett Rose in a beautiful dress that Grandma Elison made
The family picture after the blessing!
Sunday, October 25, 2009
For the love of the East Coast
Oh, the beautiful Skyline Dr. We had a wonderful opportunity Oct. 24, 2009 to drive and hike up along Skyline Dr. We went with mom and Kara and had a great morning/afternoon. Skyline Dr. is situated in the Shenandoah Mts. and is oh so beautiful.We really enjoyed the colors. My favorite colors to see as we drove through the trees, were the reds. It was amazing got see the goodness of God evident in nature. We hiked down to the bottom of a waterfall and back up...it was a steep, but short hike and very beautiful.We hiked down to the bottom of a waterfall and back up...it was a steep, but short hike and very beautiful.

Saturday, October 17, 2009
my other blog
Friday, October 16, 2009
Baltimore, Books, and More
I feel that I have dropped off the face of the world wide web. My presence seems to be limited to merely checking my email. Dara is encouraging me to post more on our blog. Last week end we went to Baltimore to help celebrate Denise's successful run in the Baltimore marathon. We arrived after she had finished the run, but went down to spend an evening along the harbor. We went out to eat at The Cheesecake Factory. We had some great food there. I was satisfied. Afterwards we took a look at the two-story Barns and Noble book store located next to the Hard Rock Cafe. I spent some birthday money on two Russian history books. I am slowly building up a library of what I love to study most, that is, Russian and and all things related. I am a bit of a Russophile I guess. That is a subject for another post or another blog entirely. We left Baltimore happy and full from dinner. Dara even gave her marathon exhausted sister a piggyback ride.
Monday, September 28, 2009
Here is the post about the Nina Dandy:
Thursday night, September 24, 2009, my mom invited us to go on the Nina Dandy...A large boat that cruises the Potomac River at night. It was so much fun and very beautiful and romantic. I had on a new dress and was accompanied by a cute boy:)

It was a beautiful night. The ship left from the pier in Old Town Alexandria and made a stop at the National Harbor and then down the Potomac to see the Washington Monument, Lincoln Memorial, Jefferson Memorial, Kennedy Center, and other lights of D.C. by moonlight. The food was gourmet and tasted wonderful...

It is shrimp stuffed with crab! We have never had a gourmet meal like that and it was fun being served like 5 different dishes. There was dancing...Ryan and I were the only ones on the floor and all they were playing were slow, love songs. I asked if they would spice it up and put on Meringue music and they did! 3 long, fun songs that got another couple out of their seats. It was so fun dancing. Then you could stand up top and see all the sights...

We loved the evening and we were so grateful to have the opportunity to cruise down the Potomac by moonlight. Thanks mom and dad!
Thursday night, September 24, 2009, my mom invited us to go on the Nina Dandy...A large boat that cruises the Potomac River at night. It was so much fun and very beautiful and romantic. I had on a new dress and was accompanied by a cute boy:)
It was a beautiful night. The ship left from the pier in Old Town Alexandria and made a stop at the National Harbor and then down the Potomac to see the Washington Monument, Lincoln Memorial, Jefferson Memorial, Kennedy Center, and other lights of D.C. by moonlight. The food was gourmet and tasted wonderful...
It is shrimp stuffed with crab! We have never had a gourmet meal like that and it was fun being served like 5 different dishes. There was dancing...Ryan and I were the only ones on the floor and all they were playing were slow, love songs. I asked if they would spice it up and put on Meringue music and they did! 3 long, fun songs that got another couple out of their seats. It was so fun dancing. Then you could stand up top and see all the sights...
We loved the evening and we were so grateful to have the opportunity to cruise down the Potomac by moonlight. Thanks mom and dad!
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Oh the things to write about...
Home is where ever we have each other.
And we have come home to Virginia.

There are many things that have gone on and many changes that have been taking place in our lives over the last 2 months that we have lived in Virginia...Ryan is currently working 2 jobs: screen printer and substitute teacher for the county. He seems to enjoy subbing, although he has only subbed at 2 different schools and he usually works a lot of hours at Varsity Graphics screen printing. I am working about 40 hours every week for my internship. It is a lot of fun and I enjoy working with the people I work with. We have some health fairs coming up this week and I enjoy getting out of the workplace and meeting people! I have 6 weeks left and then I turn in all the paperwork and I will be a BYU graduate!! Ryan is ready to start school this upcoming January!
And we have come home to Virginia.
There are many things that have gone on and many changes that have been taking place in our lives over the last 2 months that we have lived in Virginia...Ryan is currently working 2 jobs: screen printer and substitute teacher for the county. He seems to enjoy subbing, although he has only subbed at 2 different schools and he usually works a lot of hours at Varsity Graphics screen printing. I am working about 40 hours every week for my internship. It is a lot of fun and I enjoy working with the people I work with. We have some health fairs coming up this week and I enjoy getting out of the workplace and meeting people! I have 6 weeks left and then I turn in all the paperwork and I will be a BYU graduate!! Ryan is ready to start school this upcoming January!
Thursday, September 3, 2009
We are back in Virginia. Sadly, we have no blogged for about 2 months...I do not know what is wrong with us. I did add a shelfari in honor of my sister Dorothy. We are moved back into the Bairds house and loving life. We have set up our room and we are really enjoying being home. We visit my family every so often and just enjoy being with our parents and siblings. Ryan is set up to begin substitute teaching for the county and is preparing to start school in January. I have started my internship with L&T Health and Fitness here at the Prince William Hospital Fitness Center and it is a lot of fun. I have a lot to learn and I am so ready to be working a job that will be enjoyable and not just "to get by." Ryan feels the same way...no more early jobs or hamburger smells coming off of us!! woohoo...well atleast for a while, you just never know! Goodbye Utah and hello Virginia...Home is where the heart is (and where your sweetheart is).
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
The end of a chapter...
Our time in Utah is coming to an end. We are so excited to go home to Virginia, where we can move on with life. I'll be completing a 10 week internship with L&T Health and Fitness (a company based out of Falls Church; I will be at Prince William Hospital) and Ryan will be working and going to school as soon as possible. We have had a great time living in Utah and being on our own, but we could never live here because it just doesn't feel like home. Ryan and I have been able to spend more time together. I actually get to see him for more than 1 hour a day. We have a lot of fun together and lately we have been running together. It is really fun to run with Ryan because he encourages me to keep going and I encourage him to pick a pace. Life is great when you are married to your best friend. And by the way, we only have 6 more days at our jobs! Hallelujah because I am sick of waking up at 4am and coming home to be alone ALL day.
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Qt's wedding and the 6 monther!
We went home to Virginia for my brother's wedding...I now have a cool new sister in law, Jen. She is Ryan's cousin...we gotta stay within the family, my brother QT loves me too much to leave me...Aaron and Jen got married June 26, 2009 in the Washington DC Temple...where eternity is made!

(Qt and Jen walking out of the temple)

(They are so cute)

(My sisters, Dars and Lil d)

(It is June 26th, our 6 month wedding anniversary...we did NOT want our cake to taste stank after one year...Happy Anniversary)

(I love this photo because Ryan says I look like white trash...I have missing teef!)
(Qt and Jen walking out of the temple)
(They are so cute)
(My sisters, Dars and Lil d)
(It is June 26th, our 6 month wedding anniversary...we did NOT want our cake to taste stank after one year...Happy Anniversary)
(I love this photo because Ryan says I look like white trash...I have missing teef!)
Goodbye Shannon and hello vacation...
Ryan and I went on a "half off appetizers" date the night before we flew home to Virginia! Ryan changed my smile with the camera...it's cool....

Shannon is one of my best friends. We were Resident Assistants together 05-06 at BYU. She is a 6th grade teacher from California. She is going to start a job in Virginia and I am so excited because we'll be close. This was actually a farewell party for her!

We had the opportunity to go home!! We love Virginia. We were home for a week and did lots of fun things with our parents and siblings. We are grateful that our families live so close to one another. We got to see my cute niece Chloe:

My sister "lil d" is a great griller...she was doin her thang on the grill...
Shannon is one of my best friends. We were Resident Assistants together 05-06 at BYU. She is a 6th grade teacher from California. She is going to start a job in Virginia and I am so excited because we'll be close. This was actually a farewell party for her!
We had the opportunity to go home!! We love Virginia. We were home for a week and did lots of fun things with our parents and siblings. We are grateful that our families live so close to one another. We got to see my cute niece Chloe:
My sister "lil d" is a great griller...she was doin her thang on the grill...
St. Jorge and the Kusileks
(It is Ryan and I, then Ali and Perris, and our dear friend Carrie)
(Oh I love Ryan and I am so excited about our tandem ride...sorry no pic of Ryan driving)
(Many of the Ali Girlfriends)
Really, it has been a LONG time. I would like to take this time to add some updates and a couple of posts so that all may know what Ryan and I have been up to. We have had lots of fun adventures this past monthish. I will first write about our trip to St. George. We went to SG for our friends Ali and Perris Kusileks wedding and it was simply wonderful. We had the opportunity to ride a tandem bike for our first time...that was scary because Ryan started peddling and I was holding on for dear life. It is a lot of team work. One day, Ryan and I will own a tandem bike so that we may go on bike rides together. I look forward to that day. Ali and Perris both looked wonderful on their wedding day. We had the opportunity to see the whole Whicker family (Ali's family) and it was just so fun. We were grateful that we could be there for their wedding.
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Oops! Did I do that?
So this weekend I tried helping Dara around the house. I admit I have my moments but this weekend was rough. Friday after work I felt bad that hadn't been doing enough around the house and after working it out with Dara we decided to get ready to go out on a date. After getting out of the shower I thought I'd clean up our spare bedroom while Dara was getting ready in the bathroom. I folded blankets and put them away and then I turned to the nice paper shredder we bought. I fed some old documents into the machine and realized that something was getting caught in the teeth. A plastic trash that had been used to catch the paper was bunched up inside and the teeth caught a hold of it and wrapping it around and around. I sat frantically trying to pick out the plastic. Dara soon discovered what I had done and it wasn't easy for her to set aside or ignore my stupidity. I still feel bad about the shredder even though it works to an extent. It is mangled.
It that wasn't enough icing on the cake, On Monday we went to see Dorthy, Trever and Chloe (Dara's Sister and Brother-in-law and their little girl)in Salt Lake City. Again while Dara was getting ready I decided against Dara's request (SO VERY FOOLISH!) to turn the vacuum on. I thought I was doing some good. The result of this disobedience caused an overload in the circuit that Dara's blow dryer was also plugged into. Now not only are three power outlets out but so is the dishwasher and the garbage disposal which apparently share that same circuit. Dara is so kind to me and she tries so hard to be patient with me. I don't blame her at all for getting a little upset. I am grateful for her forgiving nature. I wonder if I'll ever learn that rushing in to do something quick rarely ever works out according to plan. I should just listen to my wife and stop doing things that might blow up in my face. Will I ever learn? (The electrician should be coming soon to look at the problem.)I have an amazing wife who recognizes everything that I do that is right and will let me know if I'm doing it wrong. I have become a far better man than I have ever been in these last five months with Dara. She is inspiring to me and I love her so much.
It that wasn't enough icing on the cake, On Monday we went to see Dorthy, Trever and Chloe (Dara's Sister and Brother-in-law and their little girl)in Salt Lake City. Again while Dara was getting ready I decided against Dara's request (SO VERY FOOLISH!) to turn the vacuum on. I thought I was doing some good. The result of this disobedience caused an overload in the circuit that Dara's blow dryer was also plugged into. Now not only are three power outlets out but so is the dishwasher and the garbage disposal which apparently share that same circuit. Dara is so kind to me and she tries so hard to be patient with me. I don't blame her at all for getting a little upset. I am grateful for her forgiving nature. I wonder if I'll ever learn that rushing in to do something quick rarely ever works out according to plan. I should just listen to my wife and stop doing things that might blow up in my face. Will I ever learn? (The electrician should be coming soon to look at the problem.)I have an amazing wife who recognizes everything that I do that is right and will let me know if I'm doing it wrong. I have become a far better man than I have ever been in these last five months with Dara. She is inspiring to me and I love her so much.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
I love my family and I love my friends, but most of all I love my dear husband. Lately I have been feeling stressed...okay always I am feeling stressed and Ryan is always willing to listen to me...even at 11pm when I have to be to work at 430am. I miss Ryan all day when I am at school/home and he is gone at work with the car. I need to get a project so that I will not waste away my last couple weeks in Utah. I am excited to leave Utah and go home to family, but these years of being a college student have taugh me so much! I have learned to be independent and realize that I can make things work on my own. I can get my homework done, work a job, and socialize and not be too bad off. I miss being near any family for many years, but my friends have helped me get through...and now that I am married, I have actual family near and it is fun to be together. I realized that I cannot remember (or do not understand) how I made it through life for 23 years without Ryan. I knew him for many years and always had a secret crush, but my life is so much better and happier with him in it. He is my best friend. I love his hedgehog hair and i just love him.
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Revisiting a moment of our lives
Oh Thanksgiving Point. I had never been there until Laura invited me to go "with her and the kids"...lil lie...we DID go together, but there was my cute Ryan waiting for me and Laura was in on it! I have a great new family and I was so excited to say "yes" to Ryan. Why was I excited? Although we don't have everything figured out, we have the same goals and as we work together the Lord blesses us and we are growing happier every day. I love to see Ryan after a long day at work/school. I know that he puts up with a lot going to work for 12 hours a day, driving me to work at 430am, and seeing me when I am crabby after my 12 hour day. He loves me no matter what. When we visited Thanksgiving Point, it was beautiful with all of the flowers in bloom and the huge waterfall, but the best feeling was knowing that I said "yes" to a proposal from Ryan that has increased my happiness in life every moment of every day since Ryan and I have been more than "just" friends.

This was our bench! Ryan was sitting here when he suprised me!

This was our bench! Ryan was sitting here when he suprised me!
The last first day of school
Seriously, it was a big day for me. This picture was taken at 415 AM and I didn't even care about my outfit. I was just thinking, get me through this day of school and I will be happy. I won't have a first day of school for a while because this is my last semester of classes before I graduate!!! Oh the many great things you can accomplish in 24 years!
My birthday was the best!
My birthday was so banging! It was my first birthday (besides one in Guatemala, which was just different all together) that I was not with my Shreffler family! I was however, with my Baird/Barnett family and it was so fun! Ryan made me breakfast and we got a yummy cake. He got me everything I wanted and held my hand all day! It was fun being with Laura and Kart and having dinner together and watching LOST. I have the coolest families everrrr!!! I felt so lucky and special this day! (However, I feel lucky and special everyday). Thank you for making my birthday so great and fun!

My breakfast in bed

Isn't it cute? All homemade with love by Ryan<3

My scrumptuous cake

Of course I blew them all out!

Oh it was banging!
My breakfast in bed
Isn't it cute? All homemade with love by Ryan<3
My scrumptuous cake
Of course I blew them all out!
Oh it was banging!
I can bake
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