Often, upon returning home, I am asked the question-"how was your day?" Now I definitely don't mean to sound too pessimistic, but lately my days have been stinky...and by days, I mean my "day" job. I used to think it would be totally fun working a 9-5 job and let's just say-it's not fun, when you're not in the "job" you were meant to be at. I really realize that there are many steps on the ladder of life to finding your dream job (and yes, on occassion people have it right from the start), however, I am grateful that I have an ok job. I work as a scheduler for an Oncology/Hematology Office and now I am working out of Gainesville. I enjoy talking to people, to a point...but sometimes people are just totally strange, totally wacko, or just totally out of line. Obviously, I haven't been understanding to who these people are that I am talking to...do you know how many times I have heard "don't you know who I am?" or something along those same lines on the phone? Unfortunately, I do not know
who you are because I have never even seen a limo pull up with paparazzi outside snapping photos (or maybe I never got the memo of the importance of these people that need to be seen RIGHT NOW).
Mind you-the calaber of many people's situations is not fun, happy, exciting, or anything to that sort...so compassion is needed, and compassion I do use...i do feel sorry with these people. I have learned with great understanding...
1. the importance of family support
2. the importance to be a compliant patient-following doctor's orders
3. the importance of preparation
4. the importance of good health
5. the importance of a smile
6. the importance of a listening ear
7. the importance of laughing often
8. the importance of God's true and everlasting Plan of Salvation
and for now I will stop at 8 (it's my favorite number, you know). So, although I feel bombarded with the stresses of answering the phone and being in the job I am at...I am grateful that I can come to the office with muchos suprises waiting only a phone call away...
And in other great day news
1. my evenings have been funfilled with seeing my best friend Caitlin
2. my birthday is tomorrow:)