As the new year quickly progresses we are our busy going to school, working. Dara and I are early birds, getting up as early as 4:00 to go to work. Dara works on the BYU campus with a custodial crew in one of the buildings. I work every other morning at Great Harvest Bread making cookies and sweets and baking all other breads. After work at the Bakery and every other day I work at Burger Supreme which is in the same shopping center as Great Harvest. Between the two jobs I take two classes at BYU. Dara is taking about 15 credits of courses for her exercise science major. She will be finished with classes after spring sememseter. We planning on moving home to Virginia where Dara is working on securing an internship for her Major. By that time I hope to be going to school full-time again eventually at George Mason University.
This is one of those times in our lives that we wish would pass by quickly. We love being near family, and although we would like to leave Utah we are gald to have some family near. Its wonderful to be living so close to the Barnetts. We spend alot of time with Laura and Kart and their two adorable kids Aiden and Emma. Most of the time we eat dinner together and watch TV like Lost. When we move back to Virginia in August we will miss them. Beth's wedding in April is just around the corner and it will wonderful to see everyone together again. Ever since Natalie's accident we have been anxious to see everyone. Its been difficult not being able to be with the family and see them more often.
One thing that is worth mentioning aside from our homesickness is that we both ran in the anual Rex Lee Run here in Provo. We both finished our first 10k. It has been a goal for the both of us for a long time. It was a challenging experience for the both of us but rewarding one none the less. We already planning to train for our next race as soon as we recover from this last one.
Nice post ryan! I'm looking forward to more of them. :)
Thanks for adding pictures! You guys look great.
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