Around here, there are a lot of changes going on. You may call us crazy, but we are moving forward with faith:) After one full year of being blessed to live with our parents in their houses, we have signed a lease for our very own 2 bedroom, 1.5 bath, 2 level, side by side duplex...not here, but in....

We are moving!!!!!!!! There is a lot of excitement over here. We are moving in about 2 weeks. Our letters of resignations to our jobs are in and Ryan is QUICKLY finishing his last semester of his Associates Degree. Can you believe he has completed 35 credits in 2 semesters? I am very proud of him, as are so many more people:) We are moving, with a moving truck!!! You better believe it. I mean, we have been, are, and will be very blessed. My parent's garage is FULL to the brim of furniture, given to us, but kind and caring people. Our official move out date:
August 11, 2010
Now, our next order of business- Get accepted to UVa and the Airforce ROTC and find jobs...This may possibly be very backwards, but what faith would you need if everything was prepared and falling into your lap??
Dara I am so excited for you! And proud of you and Ryan. This means Ryan is getting closer and closer to finishing his bachelors. Hurray!
This is super exciting! It is quite a leap of faith, but that's what life is for, right? Love ya, Dara!
So excited for you guys! Good luck in all of your new adventures!! Can't wait to hear about all of them!
I love you guys. I'm so proud of you, and sure that this leap of faith will not go unrewarded!
Wow so exciting. Love you Dara! and Ryan!
I'm so happy for you guys! What a fun adventure it will be!
i'm super excited for you guys! charlottsville will be so much fun!
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