Hello, we are all still alive and doing well. For those of you who are unaware...we are going to have a baby. I am 28 weeks pregnant with Gummy Baird-real name to be Lillian Gabriela Baird, and yes, she is a girl. Here are pictures of the growth of baby and of me...

Here is where Gummy got her name...she looks like a floating gummy bear holding a balloon. Here, I was about 6.5 weeks.

Here is Lillian in her ever growing form. Really just a cranial picture...from another view she seemed to have my Bjarnason honker nose and Ryan's double jointed fingers and toes. She gave us thumbs up, hand laid back on her forehead...she uses the placenta as a pillow and kicks her legs around all the time. The other night, her foot was poking out of my tummy about 3 inches above my belly button.

Here I am at 12 weeks...and I was illiterate on the day because it was Sunday may 29, not 30th.

Here I am at Ryan's half sister, Leslie's wedding in Macon, Ga. I am 16 weeks pregnant (June 24th, 2011)

And here I am, today- 9/18/11 at 28 weeks. Same tee as 6 weeks...Things are going well for the most part. I am losing feeling in my hands at random times and my feet are getting huge because they are so swollen...but somehow, Ryan helps me manage. I couldn't be living the pregnant life without him (well literally, it is true)...but he helps me so much and takes care of me when I randomly start crying or can't even function to get into bed. Who knew that growing a baby was so EXHAUSTING. I am teaching classes at the Fitness Center, Aquatone, WalkFit, and a 30 min Spin class...as you can see, it helps me keep my slim figure. Lillian moves all the time and does NOT like when I lay on my left side..I always get a good, hard kick when I try to do it. Ryan and I have spent a little bit of time getting the nursery together...it has been fun. Even with Ryan being so busy, he is always available to help me and to listen. He always talks about holding Lillian and all the things that he will do with her so that I can rest. I appreciate him and I am glad that he is my best friend, husband, and soon to be father!